Want me to speak somewhere? Reach out on LinkedIn.
Common topics:
- GitHub + Microsoft Docs + You
- How to Think Like a Certification Exam
- Ethics in Modern Data
- SQL Security Principals and Permissions 101
- SQL Server Administration Best Practices with DMVs
Microsoft Database Docs - Learn about Contributing for your Career
DataCon Seattle 2025
Speaking (Conference)
Careers in IT Baton Rouge 2023
SQL Saturday Jeopardy! A Quiz Show for Devs and Data Pros
MVP Summit 2025
Speaking (Microsoft Conference)
Speaking (Conference)
Speaking (Virtual User Group)
Speaking (Conference)
Video: 20240904 - Contributing to open source Microsoft Docs (youtube.com)Speaking (User Group)
Materials: presentations/PAX West 2024
Speaking (Conference)
Bedrock Tech Talks
How to Think Like a Certification ExamBedrock Tech Talks
Slide deck: How to Think Like a Certification Exam
Speaking (Virtual User Group)
Speaking (Virtual User Group)
Microsoft Zero to Hero Community
Microsoft Zero to Hero Community
Speaking (Virtual User Group)
Speaking (Virtual User Group)
Microsoft Learn Contributor Community
Technical Writing as a Career
Speaking (Virtual)
Microsoft Docs + GitHub + YouCareers in IT Baton Rouge 2023
SQL Saturday Jeopardy! A Quiz Show for Devs and Data Pros
Blog link: SQLSat Baton Rouge 2023!
Speaking (Conference)
How to Think Like a Certification Exam
Speaking (Virtual User Group)
Speaking (Virtual User Group)
Speaking (Virtual User Group)
Video link: ExamCram How to Think Like a Certification Exam
Microsoft Design Community - Design Week
Tabletop Role-playing Games at Work for Fun & Profit
Speaking (Conference)
Speaking (Virtual Conference)
Ethics in Modern Data
Speaking (Conference)
Speaking (Conference)
- Tabletop Role-playing Games at Work for Fun & Profit with Stacy Vicknair and Christine Assaf
- How to Think Like a Certification Exam
Speaking (Conference)
Speaking (Conference)
Microsoft MVP Summit
Event link: GitHub + Microsoft Docs + Your career
Speaking (Virtual Conference)
Triangle Area SQL Server User Group
Event Link: Become a Contributor to Microsoft Docs
Speaking (Virtual User Group)
PASS Data Community Summit
Event link: Become a Contributor to Microsoft Docs
Speaking (Virtual Conference)
Music City Tech 2021
Music City Tech 2021
Event link: Music City Tech 2021 Virtual Conference
Speaking (Virtual Conference)
Cloud Data Driver User Group
Event Link: Become a Contributor to Microsoft Docs
Speaking (Virtual User Group)
Memphis .NET User Group
Event Link: Become a Contributor to Microsoft Docs
Speaking (Virtual User Group)
Data Professionals Virtual User Group
Event Link: Become a Contributor to Microsoft Docs
Speaking (Virtual User Group)
Atlanta Azure Data User Group
Event Link: Become a Contributor to Microsoft Docs
Speaking (Virtual User Group)
Baton Rouge Analytics and Intelligence Network (BRAIN)
Event Link: Ethics in Modern Data
Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vziRs019J0E
Speaking (Virtual User Group)
Cleveland C#/VB.NET User Group
Event Link: Become a Contributor to Microsoft Docs
Speaking (Virtual User Group)
Toronto Data Professionals Community
Event Link: Become a Contributor to Microsoft Docs
Speaking (Virtual User Group)
Redmond WA Data Platform User Group
Event Link: Become a Contributor to Microsoft Docs
Speaking (Virtual User Group)
Madison WI SQL User Group
Event Link: Become a Contributor to Microsoft Docs
Speaking (Virtual User Group)
Blog Link: Speaking at Data ANZ 2021
Speaking (Conference)
Calgary Azure Data Group
Event Link: Become a Contributor to Microsoft Docs
Speaking (Virtual User Group)
GroupBy Americas DBA track
Speaking (Virtual Conference)
#DataWeekender v3.1
Event Link: How to Think Like a Certification Exam
Speaking (Virtual Conference)
Data Saturday Southwest
Event Link: How to Think Like a Certification Exam
Event Link: How to Think Like a Certification Exam
Speaking (Virtual Conference)
Cloud Lunch and Learn Marathon 2021
DBA Fundamentals Virtual User Group
Minnesota Developers Conference
Event Link: Ethics in Modern Data
Speaking (Virtual Conference)
Edmonton Microsoft Data Professionals
Event link: Become a Contributor to Microsoft Docs
Speaking (Virtual User Group)
Austin TX SQL User Group CACTUSS
Data Saturday #5 Redmond
Event link: Become a Contributor to Microsoft Docs
Speaking (Virtual Conference)
Speaking (Virtual Conference)
Global Azure Austria conference
Event link: Become a Contributor to Microsoft Docs
Speaking (Virtual Conference)
Speaking (Virtual Conference)
Certification Saturday 2021
Event Link: How to Think Like a Certification Exam
Speaking (Virtual Conference)
Azure Data Services Brisbane
Event link: Become a Contributor to Microsoft Docs
Speaking (Virtual User Group)
MVP Summit
Event link: Become a Contributor to Microsoft Docs
Speaking (Virtual Conference)
Database Professionals Virtual Meetup Group
Baton Rouge SQL UG
Event link: Become a Contributor to Microsoft Docs
Video link: BRSSUG March 2021 | William Assaf | Become a Contributor to SQL Docs
Video link: BRSSUG March 2021 | William Assaf | Become a Contributor to SQL Docs
Speaking (Virtual User Group)
Database Professionals Virtual Meetup Group
Speaking (Virtual User Group)
DBA Fundamentals Virtual User Group
Event link: SQL Admin Best Practices with DMVs
Blog link: Virtual User Group Presentations, Feb 23-24
Blog link: Virtual User Group Presentations, Feb 23-24
Speaking (Virtual User Group)
MS DevRel Camp 2021
Houston Area SQL and BI User groups
Event Link: HASSUG July Meeting
Blog link: Ethics in Modern Data at the Houston SQL Server and BI User Groups, July 2020
Video Link:2020-07-14 HASSUG and Houston BI User Group - Virtual Meeting - July 2020
Speaking (Virtual User Group)
Data Community Weekender Europe 2020
Event link: Ethics in Modern Data
Blog link: Data Community #DataWeekender Europe 2020: Ethics in Modern Data
Speaking (Virtual Conference)
PASS Professional Development Virtual User Group: Certification Exams Inside Out
Event link: Certification Exams Inside Out at the PASS Prof Dev VG
Blog link: PASS Professional Development Virtual User Group: Certification Exams Inside Out
Speaking (Virtual User Group)
SparkEd Webcast: The Business Case for SQL 2019
Event link: Spark/ED: The Business Case for SQL2019 - What you need to know
Video Link: Watch the Spark/ED webcast with William Assaf from 03.26.20
Blog Link: The Business Case for SQL Server 2019
Speaking (Webcast)
SQLSaturday Baton Rouge BI Edition 2020
Event link: Ethics in Modern Data
Event link: Careers in Business Intelligence Panel
Blog link: Thanks for joining us at SQLSaturday Baton Rouge 2020 Business Intelligence edition
Speaking (Conference)
Southeastern La. University ACM Chapter
Blog link: ACM Lecture at SELU
Speaking (User Group)
Santa Fe SQL Server User Group
Event link: What's New in SQL Server 2019
Blog link: What's New in SQL 2019? at the Santa Fe SQL Server User Group
Speaking (User Group)
SQLSaturday Austin BI Edition 2020
Event link: Ethics in Modern Data
Blog link: Ethics in Modern Data presentation at SQLSaturday Austin BI Edition 2020
Video link: Ethics in Data at usergroup.tv
Speaking (Conference)
Data Architecture Virtual User Group
Event link: What's New in SQL Server 2019 by William Assaf
Blog link: What's New in SQL 2019? at the Data Architecture Virtual User Group and Q&A followup
Speaking (Virtual User Group)
Activate Conference Lightning Night
Event link: Practical Personal Cybersecurity
Blog link: Practical Personal Cybersecurity at Activate Conference Lightning Night
Speaking (Conference)
Little Rock, AR SQL User Group
Event link: What's New in SQL 2019?
Blog link: What's New In SQL 2019? at the Little Rock, AR SQL Server User Group
Speaking (User Group/Meetup/Local events)
Baton Rouge SQL Server User Group
Event link: What's New in SQL 2019? at BRSSUG
Blog link: What's New in SQL 2019? at BRSSUG
Speaking (User Group/Meetup/Local events)
SQL PASS Summit 2019 Speaker Idol competition
Spooky SQL
Speaking (Conference)
PASS Summit SQLSaturday organizer meeting
Blog link: The SQLSaturday pitch to host facilities
Speaking (Organizational Meeting)
PASS Summit User Group organizer meeting
Blog link: Tips to build a your-departure-proof leadership team in your tech community
Speaking (Organizational Meeting)
Idera GeekSync
Event link: Idera GeekSync: SQL Security Principals and Permissions 101
Blog link: Idera GeekSync: SQL Security Principals and Permissions 101
Speaking (Webcast)
The Futures Fund
Event link: SQL Server In Azure workshop at The Futures Fund
Speaking (Workshop)
GroupBy Conference
Event link: GroupBy conference: SQL Admin Best Practices with DMVs
Blog link: SQL Server Admin Best Practices with DMV's at GroupBy
PASS Career Development Marathon
Event link: "Think Like a Certification Exam"
Blog link: "Think Like a Certification Exam" at the PASS Marathon!
Houston Tech Fest 2019
Event link: SQL Security Principals and Permissions 101
Blog link: Good to see you at Houston Tech Fest 2019!
Speaking (Conference)
Baton Rouge SQL Server User Group
Event link: BRSSUG SQL Security Principals and Permissions 101
Blog link: SQL Security Principals and Permissions 101 at September '19 BRSSUG
Speaking (User Group/Meetup/Local events)
SQLSaturday Baton Rouge 2019
Event link: Careers in Technology Panel
Speaking (Conference)
SQLSaturday Birmingham 2019
Event link: Think Like a Certification Exam
Blog link: Think Like a Certification Exam at SQLSaturday Birmingham
Speaking (Conference)
Baton Rouge User Groups Networking Night
Event link: Baton Rouge User Groups 2019 Networking Night
Blog link: Practical Personal Cybersecurity
Speaking (User Group)
SQLSaturday Pensacola 2019
Event link: SQL Admin Best Practices with DMVs
Blog link: SQL Admin Best Practices with DMVs at SQLSaturday Pensacola
Blog link: Careers in Technology Panel at SQLSaturday Pensacola
Speaking (Conference)
SQLSaturday Dallas 2019
Event link: SQL Security Principals and Permissions 101
Blog link: Thanks for joining us at SQLSaturday Dallas!
Speaking (Conference)
Activate Conference 2019
Event link: Databases 101 for the Aspiring App Dev
Blog link: Activate Conference 2019: Databases 101 for the Aspiring App Dev Session Info and Resources
Speaking (Conference)
PASS Summit User Group organizer meeting
Blog link: Emphasizing STEM Community Education at your SQLSaturday
Speaking (Organizational Meeting)
PASS Summit User Group organizer meeting
Blog link: No Speaker? No Problem! Host a non-traditional User Group meeting.
Speaking (Organizational Meeting)
Houston Area SQL Server UG
Event link: Houston Area SQL Server User Group
Blog link: SQL Admin Best Practices with DMV's at the Houston SQL Server UG
Speaking (User Group)
SQLSaturday Baton Rouge 2018
Event link: Twilight TimeZone: Handling Time in Your App Architecture
Event link: Think Like a Certification Exam
Event link: Careers in IT - Baton Rouge 2018
Speaking (Conference)
Baton Rouge User Groups Networking Night
Event link: Baton Rouge User Groups 2018 Networking Night
Blog link: Availability Groups in 10min
Speaking (User Group)
SQLSaturday Houston 2018
Event link: What's New In SQL Server 2017
Blog link: SQLSaturday Houston!
Speaking (Conference)
SQLSaturday Dallas 2018
Event link: What's New In SQL Server 2017
Event link: Think Like a Certification Exam
Blog link: Thanks for joining us at SQLSat Dallas!
Video link: What’s New In SQL Server 2017 at usergroup.tv
Speaking (Conference)
Houston Tech Fest 2018
Event link: Houston Tech Fest 2018
Blog link: Thanks for joining us at the Spring Houston Tech Fest 2018
Video link: What’s New In SQL Server 2017 on usergroup.tv
Speaking (Conference)
Louisiana State University, Guest Lecture ISDS 3110
Speaking (Seminar)
Baton Rouge SQL Server User Group
Event Link: March '18 BRSSUG+BRPBIUG Meeting
Blog Link: What's New In SQL Server 2017? at the March '18 Baton Rouge SQL Server User Group
Speaking (User Group)
SparkEd Webcast: The Business Case for SQL 2017
Event link: Spark/ED Quick Hits Webcast - The Business Case for SQL 2017
Speaking (Webcast)
Activate Conference 2018
Event Link: Activate Conference 2018
Blog Link: Activate Conference 2018: Presentation info
Speaking (Conference)
Baton Rouge SQL Server User Group Lightning Round
Event Link: February '18 BRSSUG+BRPBIUG Meeting
Blog Link: "What's New in SQL 2017?" at the Baton Rouge SQL Server UG meeting
Speaking (User Group)
PASS Summit User Group and SQLSaturday organizer meeting
Blog Link: SQLSat Organizers and UG Leaders Meetings at PASS Summit - Tips and Tricks notes
Speaking (Organizational Meeting)
Baton Rouge .NET and SQL User Groups
Event link: September .NET User Group Meeting
Blog Link: Twilight Timezone: Date and Time Architecture in your Applications aka Use DateTimeOffset, Your Future Self Thanks You
Speaking (User Group)
SQLSaturday Baton Rouge 2017
Event link: Twilight TimeZone: Handling Time in Your App Architecture
Blog link: Twilight TimeZone: Handling Time in Your App Architecture at SQLSaturday Baton Rouge
Speaking (Conference)
SQLSaturday Baton Rouge 2017
Event link: Careers in IT - Baton Rouge 2017
Speaking (Conference)
SQLSaturday Houston 2017
Event link: SQL Server Permissions and Security Principals
Blog link: Great to see you at SQLSaturday Houston 2017
Video link: SQL Server Permissions and Security Principals at usergroup.tv
Speaking (Conference)
Baton Rouge User Groups Networking Night
Event link: Baton Rouge User Groups 2017 Networking Night
Blog link: Think Like a Certification Exam lightning
Speaking (User Group)
SQLSaturday Pensacola 2017
Event link: SQL Server Permissions and Security Principals
Blog link: SQLSat Pcola 2017 Security Principals and Permissions
Speaking (Conference)
SQLSaturday Birmingham 2017
Event link: SQL Admin Best Practices with DMVs
Blog link: Return to Birmingham for SQLSaturday Bham 2017!
Speaking (Conference)
Louisiana State University, ISDS Hot Topics Event
Speaking (Seminar)
SQLSaturday Charlotte 2016
Event link: SQL Server Permissions and Security Principals
Blog link: "SQL Server Permissions and Security Principals" at SQLSaturday #560 Charlotte 2016
Speaking (Conference)
SQLSaturday Baton Rouge 2016
Event link: SQLSaturday Jeopardy!
Event link: Careers in IT
Blog link: SQLSaturday Baton Rouge 2016!
Speaking (Conference)
Baton Rouge User Groups Networking Night
Event link: Baton Rouge User Groups 2016 Networking Night
Blog link: SQL basic training
Speaking (User Group)
SQLSaturday Pensacola 2016
Event link: SQL Server Admin Best Practices with DMV's
Blog link: SQL Server Admin Best Practices with DMV's at SQLSaturday Pensacola 2016
Speaking (Conference)
SQLSaturday Houston 2016
Event link: SQL Server Permissions and Security Principals
Baton Rouge SQL Server User Group
Event link: Baton Rouge SQL Server User Group
Blog link: Baton Rouge SQL Server User Group meeting 5/26
Speaking (User Group)
SQLSaturday Baton Rouge 2009
Event Link: SQLSaturday Baton Rouge 2010
Blog link: Introduction to DMV's in SQL 2005 and 2008 from SQL Saturday!
Event link: Security Principals 101
Speaking (Virtual Conference)
PASS Summit 2020
Event Link: Security Learning Pathway
Video Link (FREE): SQL Security Principals 101 - William Assaf
Speaking (Virtual Conference)
Baton Rouge .NET/SQL Virtual User Groups
Event link: .NET/SQL Campfire Stories! | BRUG
Speaking (Virtual User Group)
SQLSaturday Memphis 2020
Event Link: Certification Exams Inside Out
Speaking (Virtual Conference)
SELU Industry Connect Distinguished Lecturer Series
Event Link: Database Design for Aspiring Developers
Video Link: Database Design for Aspiring Developers
Speaking (Virtual Lecture)
Houston Tech Fest 2020
Event Link: Certification Exams Inside Out
Video Link: Certification Exams Inside Out
Event Link: SQL Admin Best Practices with DMVs
Video Link: SQL Admin Best Practices with DMVs
Event Link: Ethics in Modern Data
Video Link: Ethics in Modern Data
Event Link: What's New In SQL Server 2019
Video Link: What's New In SQL Server 2019
Blog Link: All-Day at Virtual Houston Tech Fest 2020
Speaking (Virtual Conference)
SQLSaturday Auckland, NZ 2020
Event link: Certification Exams Inside Out
Speaking (Virtual Conference)
Houston Area SQL and BI User groups
Event Link: HASSUG July Meeting
Blog link: Ethics in Modern Data at the Houston SQL Server and BI User Groups, July 2020
Video Link:2020-07-14 HASSUG and Houston BI User Group - Virtual Meeting - July 2020
Speaking (Virtual User Group)
Data Community Weekender Europe 2020
Event link: Ethics in Modern Data
Blog link: Data Community #DataWeekender Europe 2020: Ethics in Modern Data
Speaking (Virtual Conference)
PASS Professional Development Virtual User Group: Certification Exams Inside Out
Event link: Certification Exams Inside Out at the PASS Prof Dev VG
Blog link: PASS Professional Development Virtual User Group: Certification Exams Inside Out
Speaking (Virtual User Group)
SparkEd Webcast: The Business Case for SQL 2019
Event link: Spark/ED: The Business Case for SQL2019 - What you need to know
Video Link: Watch the Spark/ED webcast with William Assaf from 03.26.20
Blog Link: The Business Case for SQL Server 2019
Speaking (Webcast)
SQLSaturday Baton Rouge BI Edition 2020
Event link: Ethics in Modern Data
Event link: Careers in Business Intelligence Panel
Blog link: Thanks for joining us at SQLSaturday Baton Rouge 2020 Business Intelligence edition
Speaking (Conference)
Southeastern La. University ACM Chapter
Blog link: ACM Lecture at SELU
Speaking (User Group)
Santa Fe SQL Server User Group
Event link: What's New in SQL Server 2019
Blog link: What's New in SQL 2019? at the Santa Fe SQL Server User Group
Speaking (User Group)
SQLSaturday Austin BI Edition 2020
Event link: Ethics in Modern Data
Blog link: Ethics in Modern Data presentation at SQLSaturday Austin BI Edition 2020
Video link: Ethics in Data at usergroup.tv
Speaking (Conference)
Data Architecture Virtual User Group
Event link: What's New in SQL Server 2019 by William Assaf
Blog link: What's New in SQL 2019? at the Data Architecture Virtual User Group and Q&A followup
Speaking (Virtual User Group)
Activate Conference Lightning Night
Event link: Practical Personal Cybersecurity
Blog link: Practical Personal Cybersecurity at Activate Conference Lightning Night
Speaking (Conference)
Little Rock, AR SQL User Group
Event link: What's New in SQL 2019?
Blog link: What's New In SQL 2019? at the Little Rock, AR SQL Server User Group
Speaking (User Group/Meetup/Local events)
Baton Rouge SQL Server User Group
Event link: What's New in SQL 2019? at BRSSUG
Blog link: What's New in SQL 2019? at BRSSUG
Speaking (User Group/Meetup/Local events)
SQL PASS Summit 2019 Speaker Idol competition
Spooky SQL
Speaking (Conference)
PASS Summit SQLSaturday organizer meeting
Blog link: The SQLSaturday pitch to host facilities
Speaking (Organizational Meeting)
PASS Summit User Group organizer meeting
Blog link: Tips to build a your-departure-proof leadership team in your tech community
Speaking (Organizational Meeting)
Idera GeekSync
Event link: Idera GeekSync: SQL Security Principals and Permissions 101
Blog link: Idera GeekSync: SQL Security Principals and Permissions 101
Speaking (Webcast)
The Futures Fund
Event link: SQL Server In Azure workshop at The Futures Fund
Speaking (Workshop)
GroupBy Conference
Event link: GroupBy conference: SQL Admin Best Practices with DMVs
Blog link: SQL Server Admin Best Practices with DMV's at GroupBy
PASS Career Development Marathon
Event link: "Think Like a Certification Exam"
Blog link: "Think Like a Certification Exam" at the PASS Marathon!
Houston Tech Fest 2019
Event link: SQL Security Principals and Permissions 101
Blog link: Good to see you at Houston Tech Fest 2019!
Speaking (Conference)
Baton Rouge SQL Server User Group
Event link: BRSSUG SQL Security Principals and Permissions 101
Blog link: SQL Security Principals and Permissions 101 at September '19 BRSSUG
Speaking (User Group/Meetup/Local events)
SQLSaturday Baton Rouge 2019
Event link: Careers in Technology Panel
Speaking (Conference)
SQLSaturday Birmingham 2019
Event link: Think Like a Certification Exam
Blog link: Think Like a Certification Exam at SQLSaturday Birmingham
Speaking (Conference)
Baton Rouge User Groups Networking Night
Event link: Baton Rouge User Groups 2019 Networking Night
Blog link: Practical Personal Cybersecurity
Speaking (User Group)
SQLSaturday Pensacola 2019
Event link: SQL Admin Best Practices with DMVs
Blog link: SQL Admin Best Practices with DMVs at SQLSaturday Pensacola
Blog link: Careers in Technology Panel at SQLSaturday Pensacola
Speaking (Conference)
SQLSaturday Dallas 2019
Event link: SQL Security Principals and Permissions 101
Blog link: Thanks for joining us at SQLSaturday Dallas!
Speaking (Conference)
Activate Conference 2019
Event link: Databases 101 for the Aspiring App Dev
Blog link: Activate Conference 2019: Databases 101 for the Aspiring App Dev Session Info and Resources
Speaking (Conference)
PASS Summit User Group organizer meeting
Blog link: Emphasizing STEM Community Education at your SQLSaturday
Speaking (Organizational Meeting)
PASS Summit User Group organizer meeting
Blog link: No Speaker? No Problem! Host a non-traditional User Group meeting.
Speaking (Organizational Meeting)
Houston Area SQL Server UG
Event link: Houston Area SQL Server User Group
Blog link: SQL Admin Best Practices with DMV's at the Houston SQL Server UG
Speaking (User Group)
SQLSaturday Baton Rouge 2018
Event link: Twilight TimeZone: Handling Time in Your App Architecture
Event link: Think Like a Certification Exam
Event link: Careers in IT - Baton Rouge 2018
Speaking (Conference)
Baton Rouge User Groups Networking Night
Event link: Baton Rouge User Groups 2018 Networking Night
Blog link: Availability Groups in 10min
Speaking (User Group)
SQLSaturday Houston 2018
Event link: What's New In SQL Server 2017
Blog link: SQLSaturday Houston!
Speaking (Conference)
SQLSaturday Dallas 2018
Event link: What's New In SQL Server 2017
Event link: Think Like a Certification Exam
Blog link: Thanks for joining us at SQLSat Dallas!
Video link: What’s New In SQL Server 2017 at usergroup.tv
Speaking (Conference)
Houston Tech Fest 2018
Event link: Houston Tech Fest 2018
Blog link: Thanks for joining us at the Spring Houston Tech Fest 2018
Video link: What’s New In SQL Server 2017 on usergroup.tv
Speaking (Conference)
Louisiana State University, Guest Lecture ISDS 3110
Speaking (Seminar)
Baton Rouge SQL Server User Group
Event Link: March '18 BRSSUG+BRPBIUG Meeting
Blog Link: What's New In SQL Server 2017? at the March '18 Baton Rouge SQL Server User Group
Speaking (User Group)
SparkEd Webcast: The Business Case for SQL 2017
Event link: Spark/ED Quick Hits Webcast - The Business Case for SQL 2017
Activate Conference 2018
Event Link: Activate Conference 2018
Blog Link: Activate Conference 2018: Presentation info
Speaking (Conference)
Baton Rouge SQL Server User Group Lightning Round
Event Link: February '18 BRSSUG+BRPBIUG Meeting
Blog Link: "What's New in SQL 2017?" at the Baton Rouge SQL Server UG meeting
Speaking (User Group)
PASS Summit User Group and SQLSaturday organizer meeting
Blog Link: SQLSat Organizers and UG Leaders Meetings at PASS Summit - Tips and Tricks notes
Speaking (Organizational Meeting)
Baton Rouge .NET and SQL User Groups
Event link: September .NET User Group Meeting
Blog Link: Twilight Timezone: Date and Time Architecture in your Applications aka Use DateTimeOffset, Your Future Self Thanks You
Speaking (User Group)
SQLSaturday Baton Rouge 2017
Event link: Twilight TimeZone: Handling Time in Your App Architecture
Blog link: Twilight TimeZone: Handling Time in Your App Architecture at SQLSaturday Baton Rouge
Speaking (Conference)
SQLSaturday Baton Rouge 2017
Event link: Careers in IT - Baton Rouge 2017
Speaking (Conference)
SQLSaturday Houston 2017
Event link: SQL Server Permissions and Security Principals
Blog link: Great to see you at SQLSaturday Houston 2017
Video link: SQL Server Permissions and Security Principals at usergroup.tv
Speaking (Conference)
Baton Rouge User Groups Networking Night
Event link: Baton Rouge User Groups 2017 Networking Night
Blog link: Think Like a Certification Exam lightning
Speaking (User Group)
SQLSaturday Pensacola 2017
Event link: SQL Server Permissions and Security Principals
Blog link: SQLSat Pcola 2017 Security Principals and Permissions
Speaking (Conference)
SQLSaturday Birmingham 2017
Event link: SQL Admin Best Practices with DMVs
Blog link: Return to Birmingham for SQLSaturday Bham 2017!
Speaking (Conference)
Louisiana State University, ISDS Hot Topics Event
Speaking (Seminar)
SQLSaturday Charlotte 2016
Event link: SQL Server Permissions and Security Principals
Blog link: "SQL Server Permissions and Security Principals" at SQLSaturday #560 Charlotte 2016
Speaking (Conference)
SQLSaturday Baton Rouge 2016
Event link: SQLSaturday Jeopardy!
Event link: Careers in IT
Blog link: SQLSaturday Baton Rouge 2016!
Speaking (Conference)
Baton Rouge User Groups Networking Night
Event link: Baton Rouge User Groups 2016 Networking Night
Blog link: SQL basic training
Speaking (User Group)
SQLSaturday Pensacola 2016
Event link: SQL Server Admin Best Practices with DMV's
Blog link: SQL Server Admin Best Practices with DMV's at SQLSaturday Pensacola 2016
Speaking (Conference)
SQLSaturday Houston 2016
Event link: SQL Server Permissions and Security Principals
Blog link: Hello SQLSaturday Houston!
Video link: SQL Server Permissions and Security Principals
Speaking (Conference)
Baton Rouge SQL Server User group
Event link: May '16 PowerBI / BRSSUG Meeting!
Blog link: SQL Server 2016 at the BRSSUG Meeting on May 11
Speaking (User Group)
Baton Rouge SQL Server User group
Event link: April 2016 PowerBI/SQLServer UG Meeting!
Speaking (User Group)
SQLSaturday Columbus 2015
Event link: SQL + SharePoint: Friends Forever
Speaking (Conference)
Baton Rouge SQL Server User group
Event link: May '16 PowerBI / BRSSUG Meeting!
Blog link: SQL Server 2016 at the BRSSUG Meeting on May 11
Speaking (User Group)
Baton Rouge SQL Server User group
Event link: April 2016 PowerBI/SQLServer UG Meeting!
Speaking (User Group)
SQLSaturday Columbus 2015
Event link: SQL + SharePoint: Friends Forever
Event link: SQL Admin Best Practices with DMVs
Event link: SQL Jeopardy!
Blog link: Presentation Downloads from SQL Saturday Columbus GA 2015
Speaking (Conference)
Hammond .NET User Group
Event link: Hammond .NET UG
Blog link: I Was Once a Very Crappy Carpenter + SQL Bolts to Buzzwords
Speaking (User Group)
Houston TechFest
Event link: Houston TechFest 2015
Blog link: Houston TechFest Presentation Downloads
Speaking (Conference)
SQLSaturday Baton Rouge 2015
Event link: SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) 101
Speaking (Conference)
Baton Rouge User Groups Networking Night
Event link: Baton Rouge User Groups 2015 Networking Night
Blog link: What you need to know about being a DBA
Speaking (User Group)
SQLSaturday Houston 2015
Event link: Introduction to SQL Server permissions
Blog link: SQL Server Permissions and Security Principals at Houston SQL Saturday 2015
Speaking (Conference)
Baton Rouge SQL Server User Group
Event link: May '15 Baton Rouge SQL Server User Group Meeting
Blog link: SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) 101
Houston TechFest 2014
Event link: SQL Admin Best Practices with DMV's presentation at Houston TechFest 2014
Speaking (Conference)
Hammond .NET User Group
Event link: Hammond .NET UG
Blog link: I Was Once a Very Crappy Carpenter + SQL Bolts to Buzzwords
Speaking (User Group)
Houston TechFest
Event link: Houston TechFest 2015
Blog link: Houston TechFest Presentation Downloads
Speaking (Conference)
SQLSaturday Baton Rouge 2015
Event link: SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) 101
Speaking (Conference)
Baton Rouge User Groups Networking Night
Event link: Baton Rouge User Groups 2015 Networking Night
Blog link: What you need to know about being a DBA
Speaking (User Group)
SQLSaturday Houston 2015
Event link: Introduction to SQL Server permissions
Blog link: SQL Server Permissions and Security Principals at Houston SQL Saturday 2015
Speaking (Conference)
Baton Rouge SQL Server User Group
Event link: May '15 Baton Rouge SQL Server User Group Meeting
Blog link: SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) 101
Speaking (User Group)
Houston TechFest 2014
Event link: SQL Admin Best Practices with DMV's presentation at Houston TechFest 2014
Speaking (Conference)
SQLSaturday Baton Rouge 2014
Event link: SQL Saturday Baton Rouge 2014
Blog link: SQL Saturday Baton Rouge 2014
Speaking (Conference)
SQLSaturday Birmingham 2014
Event link: SQL Admin Best Practices with DMV's
Event link: SQL Server Permissions and Security Principals
Blog link: SQL Saturday Birmingham 2014
Speaking (Conference)
Baton Rouge User Groups Networking Night
Event link: Baton Rouge User Groups Networking Night
Blog link: "What You Need To Know About Being a DBA and What You Need To Know That You Don’t Know Yet"
Speaking (User Group)
SharePoint Saturday Baton Rouge 2014
Event link: Baton Rouge 2014
Blog link: Baton Rouge SharePoint Saturday 2014: SQL Server Best Practices for SharePoint Databases
Speaking (Conference)
South Alabama Day of .NET
Event link: South Alabama Day of .Net
Blog link: South Alabama Day of .NET Presentations Downloads
Speaking (Conference)
Data Architecture Virtual Group
Event link: SQL PASS Data Architecture Virtual Group
Blog link: Data Architecture Virtual Group - Whiteboard Data Architecture Presentation
Speaking (Virtual User Group)
Acadiana SQL Server User Group
Event link: Acadiana SQL Server User Group
Blog link: Acadiana SQL Server User Group - Introduction to SQL Server Security Principals and Permissions
Speaking (User Group)
Hammond .NET User Group
Event link: Hammond .NET UG
Blog link: Speaker Idol Competition at the Hammond .NET User Group
Speaking (User Group)
SQLSaturday Dallas 2013
Event link: SQL Server Permissions and Security Principals
Blog link: SQL Saturday #255 Dallas 2013 - SQL Server Permissions and Security Principals
Speaking (Conference)
Hammond .NET User Group
Event link: Hammond .NET UG
Blog link: "SQL Server: Bolts to Buzzwords" presentation for the Hammond .NET User Group at Southeastern Louisiana University
Speaking (User Group)
Houston Tech Fest 2013 - SQL Admin Best Practices with DMV's
Event link: SQL Admin Best Practices with DMV's
Blog link: Houston Tech Fest 2013 - SQL Admin Best Practices with DMV's
Speaking (Conference)
2012 AITP Region 3 Student Conference
Event link: 2012 AITP Region 3 Student Conference Database Design contest
Blog link: Database Design Contest at the 2012 AITP Region 3 Student Conference
Speaking (Seminar)
Baton Rouge SQL Server User Group
Event link: October '12 Baton Rouge SQL Server User Group Meeting
Blog link: Performance Tuning Presentation from October 2012 BRSSUG Meeting
Speaking (User Group)
Houston Tech Fest 2012
Event link: SQL Server Best Practices for DMV's
Blog link: SQL Server Best Practices for DMV's - Houston Tech Fest 2012
Speaking (Conference)
SQLSaturday Baton Rouge 2012
Event Link: SQL Saturday #150 Baton Rouge 2012
Blog link: SQL Saturday #150 Baton Rouge 2012
Speaking (Conference)
SQLSaturday Pensacola 2012
Event link: SQLSaturday Pensacola 2012
Blog link: SQL Saturday Pensacola presentation file downloads
Speaking (Conference)
Hammond .NET User Group
Event link: Hammond .NET UG
Blog link: April Hammond .net User Group Presentation - SQL Server Security and Permissions
Speaking (User Group)
SQLSaturday Houston 2012
Event link: SQLSaturday Houston 2012
Blog link: SQL Saturday Houston #107 - SQL Server Best Practices with DMV Presentation Files
Speaking (Conference)
Baton Rouge SQL Server User Group
Event link: March '12 Baton Rouge SQL Server User Group Meeting
Blog Link: Security and Permissions presentation from the Baton Rouge SQL Server User Group Meeting
Speaking (User Group)
University of Louisiana AITP
Speaking (User Group)
Houston TechFest 2011
Event link: SQL Server Admin Best Practices with DMV's
Blog link: Slides and Sample code: SQL Server Admin Best Practices with DMV's from the Houston TechFest 2011
Blog link: Houston TechFest UG Leadership Summit
Speaking (Conference)
SQLSaturday Baton Rouge 2012
Event link: Baton Rouge SQLSaturday 2012
Blog link: SQL Server Maintenance Best Practices with DMV's - SQL Saturday 64
Speaking (Conference)
SQLSaturday Pensacola 2011
Event link: SQLSaturday Pensacola 2011
Blog link: DMV Overview Presentation from SQL Saturday #77 Pensacola 2011
Speaking (Conference)
Baton Rouge SQL Server User Group
Event link: SQL Server User Group Meeting
Blog link: New Features of SQL 2008 R2 SP1 CTP Presentation at the Baton Rouge SQL Server User Group
Speaking (User Group)
Baton Rouge .NET and SQL Server User Groups
Event link: SQL Server User Group Meeting
Blog link: Lightning Round - SQL Azure Overview
Speaking (User Group)
Baton Rouge .NET and SQL Server User Groups
Event link: SQL Server User Group Meeting
Blog link: Slidedeck: Using SSRS 2008 R2 to natively report from Sharepoint lists
Speaking (User Group)
SQLSaturday Houston 2011
Event link: SQLSaturday Houston 2011
Blog link: Slides and sample code from DMV Overview presentation at SQL Saturday Houston, January 2011
Speaking (Conference)
Baton Rouge SQL Server User Group
Event link: Baton Rouge SQL Server User Group
SQLSaturday Baton Rouge 2014
Event link: SQL Saturday Baton Rouge 2014
Blog link: SQL Saturday Baton Rouge 2014
Speaking (Conference)
SQLSaturday Birmingham 2014
Event link: SQL Admin Best Practices with DMV's
Event link: SQL Server Permissions and Security Principals
Blog link: SQL Saturday Birmingham 2014
Speaking (Conference)
Baton Rouge User Groups Networking Night
Event link: Baton Rouge User Groups Networking Night
Blog link: "What You Need To Know About Being a DBA and What You Need To Know That You Don’t Know Yet"
Speaking (User Group)
SharePoint Saturday Baton Rouge 2014
Event link: Baton Rouge 2014
Blog link: Baton Rouge SharePoint Saturday 2014: SQL Server Best Practices for SharePoint Databases
Speaking (Conference)
South Alabama Day of .NET
Event link: South Alabama Day of .Net
Blog link: South Alabama Day of .NET Presentations Downloads
Speaking (Conference)
Data Architecture Virtual Group
Event link: SQL PASS Data Architecture Virtual Group
Blog link: Data Architecture Virtual Group - Whiteboard Data Architecture Presentation
Speaking (Virtual User Group)
Acadiana SQL Server User Group
Event link: Acadiana SQL Server User Group
Blog link: Acadiana SQL Server User Group - Introduction to SQL Server Security Principals and Permissions
Speaking (User Group)
Hammond .NET User Group
Event link: Hammond .NET UG
Blog link: Speaker Idol Competition at the Hammond .NET User Group
Speaking (User Group)
SQLSaturday Dallas 2013
Event link: SQL Server Permissions and Security Principals
Blog link: SQL Saturday #255 Dallas 2013 - SQL Server Permissions and Security Principals
Speaking (Conference)
Hammond .NET User Group
Event link: Hammond .NET UG
Blog link: "SQL Server: Bolts to Buzzwords" presentation for the Hammond .NET User Group at Southeastern Louisiana University
Speaking (User Group)
Houston Tech Fest 2013 - SQL Admin Best Practices with DMV's
Event link: SQL Admin Best Practices with DMV's
Blog link: Houston Tech Fest 2013 - SQL Admin Best Practices with DMV's
Speaking (Conference)
2012 AITP Region 3 Student Conference
Event link: 2012 AITP Region 3 Student Conference Database Design contest
Blog link: Database Design Contest at the 2012 AITP Region 3 Student Conference
Speaking (Seminar)
Baton Rouge SQL Server User Group
Event link: October '12 Baton Rouge SQL Server User Group Meeting
Blog link: Performance Tuning Presentation from October 2012 BRSSUG Meeting
Speaking (User Group)
Houston Tech Fest 2012
Event link: SQL Server Best Practices for DMV's
Blog link: SQL Server Best Practices for DMV's - Houston Tech Fest 2012
Speaking (Conference)
SQLSaturday Baton Rouge 2012
Event Link: SQL Saturday #150 Baton Rouge 2012
Blog link: SQL Saturday #150 Baton Rouge 2012
Speaking (Conference)
SQLSaturday Pensacola 2012
Event link: SQLSaturday Pensacola 2012
Blog link: SQL Saturday Pensacola presentation file downloads
Speaking (Conference)
Hammond .NET User Group
Event link: Hammond .NET UG
Blog link: April Hammond .net User Group Presentation - SQL Server Security and Permissions
Speaking (User Group)
SQLSaturday Houston 2012
Event link: SQLSaturday Houston 2012
Blog link: SQL Saturday Houston #107 - SQL Server Best Practices with DMV Presentation Files
Speaking (Conference)
Baton Rouge SQL Server User Group
Event link: March '12 Baton Rouge SQL Server User Group Meeting
Blog Link: Security and Permissions presentation from the Baton Rouge SQL Server User Group Meeting
Speaking (User Group)
University of Louisiana AITP
Speaking (User Group)
Houston TechFest 2011
Event link: SQL Server Admin Best Practices with DMV's
Blog link: Slides and Sample code: SQL Server Admin Best Practices with DMV's from the Houston TechFest 2011
Blog link: Houston TechFest UG Leadership Summit
Speaking (Conference)
SQLSaturday Baton Rouge 2012
Event link: Baton Rouge SQLSaturday 2012
Blog link: SQL Server Maintenance Best Practices with DMV's - SQL Saturday 64
Speaking (Conference)
SQLSaturday Pensacola 2011
Event link: SQLSaturday Pensacola 2011
Blog link: DMV Overview Presentation from SQL Saturday #77 Pensacola 2011
Speaking (Conference)
Baton Rouge SQL Server User Group
Event link: SQL Server User Group Meeting
Blog link: New Features of SQL 2008 R2 SP1 CTP Presentation at the Baton Rouge SQL Server User Group
Speaking (User Group)
Baton Rouge .NET and SQL Server User Groups
Event link: SQL Server User Group Meeting
Blog link: Lightning Round - SQL Azure Overview
Speaking (User Group)
Baton Rouge .NET and SQL Server User Groups
Event link: SQL Server User Group Meeting
Blog link: Slidedeck: Using SSRS 2008 R2 to natively report from Sharepoint lists
Speaking (User Group)
SQLSaturday Houston 2011
Event link: SQLSaturday Houston 2011
Blog link: Slides and sample code from DMV Overview presentation at SQL Saturday Houston, January 2011
Speaking (Conference)
Baton Rouge SQL Server User Group
Event link: Baton Rouge SQL Server User Group
Blog link: October User Groups meeting and Powershell Intro for DBAs session materials
Speaking (User Group)
Houston TechFest 2010
Event link: Houston Techfest
Blog link: DMV Overview Presentation from Houston TechFest 2010 on October 9
Speaking (Conference)
Baton Rouge IT Professionals User Group
Event link: Baton Rouge IT Professionals User Group
Blog link: Presentation on SQL DR Overview
Speaking (User Group)
ideation2010 - Gerber Technology Conference
Event link: Gerber Technology ideation2010
Blog link: Enterprise-Level Features of SQL Server 2008 R2
Speaking (Conference)
SQLSaturday Baton Rouge 2010
Event Link: SQLSaturday Baton Rouge 2010
Blog link: DMV Introduction Files from SQL Saturday 28
Speaking (Conference)
SQLSaturday Pensacola 2010
Event Link: SQLSaturday Pensacola 2010
Blog link: DMV Introduction Files from SQL Saturday 22
Speaking (Conference)
Speaking (User Group)
Houston TechFest 2010
Event link: Houston Techfest
Blog link: DMV Overview Presentation from Houston TechFest 2010 on October 9
Speaking (Conference)
Baton Rouge IT Professionals User Group
Event link: Baton Rouge IT Professionals User Group
Blog link: Presentation on SQL DR Overview
Speaking (User Group)
ideation2010 - Gerber Technology Conference
Event link: Gerber Technology ideation2010
Blog link: Enterprise-Level Features of SQL Server 2008 R2
Speaking (Conference)
SQLSaturday Baton Rouge 2010
Event Link: SQLSaturday Baton Rouge 2010
Blog link: DMV Introduction Files from SQL Saturday 28
Speaking (Conference)
SQLSaturday Pensacola 2010
Event Link: SQLSaturday Pensacola 2010
Blog link: DMV Introduction Files from SQL Saturday 22
Speaking (Conference)
Baton Rouge SQL Server User Group
Event link: Baton Rouge SQL Server User Group
Blog link: Baton Rouge SQL Server User Group meeting 5/26
Speaking (User Group)
SQLSaturday Baton Rouge 2009
Event Link: SQLSaturday Baton Rouge 2010
Blog link: Introduction to DMV's in SQL 2005 and 2008 from SQL Saturday!
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