Saturday, October 03, 2015

Presentation Downloads from SQL Saturday Columbus GA 2015

Thanks for joining us at SQL Saturday Columbus today on a gorgeous day to go inside and learn about SQL Server! And even bigger congrats to those of you who use Google maps and were still able to find the brand new event location at the Troy State University Riverfront campus!

My colleagues Cody Gros and John Walker joined me on a trek from Louisiana earlier this week and I was so happy to see my SQLSaturday friends, including the great and magnificent SQL Saturday empress Karla Landrum, once again.

A special thanks and job well done to Tim Radney for organizing this top notch event throughout a rough week and the loss of his father. Friends are all over the place Tim, glad so many of us could be here today to tell you this in person instead of from afar. Great job, great facility, great event, great people.

Here are the downloads for two presentations. These presentation files are also available on the SQLSaturday event website.

SQL + SharePoint: Friends Forever (William Assaf and Cody Gros)
12:30pm in room 213

SQL Admin Best Practices with DMVs
3pm in room 310

Downloads here:

Sorry, no, we won't be uploading our Sparkhound Jeopardy game from the lunch session. Can't be giving away all our answers! Er, questions.

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